March 6, 2018
/March 6, 2018
SHDC Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Present: Carol Mason, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Minutes to previous meeting were approved: T. Callahan made the motion and D. Brown the 2nd. All in favor.
Discussion of Fourth Amendment:
After extended discussion it was decided that a letter will be formulated to all property owners listed for inclusion in the Salisbury Historic District in the proposed Fourth Amendment. This letter will explain that in the course of creating a map of Historic Districts in the town of Salisbury, it was discovered that the Fourth Amendment was not officially adapted at a Town Meeting.
Applications were completed and submitted to the State for approval. The properties are included in the National Historic Registry but, again, were never officially adapted by the Town. We will therefore be asking for the consent of all property owners to include their property in the Fourth Amendment which will be presented at a Town Meeting for official approval. Elyse Harney will propose a draft of this letter to all members of the commission.
Digby Brown solved the problem of our Salisbury Bank Acc't which was going to be subject to a monthly charge. Joe Cleveland was one of the original signers for the Account. He has offered to assume it in the Town of Salisbury Accounts under a separate designation. It will be available to the commission at any time.
Tom Callahan made the motion for D. Brown to authorize the Town treasurer, Joe Cleveland, to do the necessary paper work. The current account has approximately 1,300; D Brown gave the 2nd and all in favor. Tom Callahan also made a motion to reimburse Elyse Harney for the $100 which she added to the account to keep it active. D. Brown 2nd all in favor.
Carol Mason submitted her bill for $500. For preparation of the mailer to Save the Date for our June 9th function. T Callahan made the motion to approve payment, E Harney 2nd, all in favor. Digby Brown will submit this bill to Joe Cleveland as well.
Discussion of award for successful preservation of an historic property: since this is the purpose of the commission, it has been our practice to give an award at the June reception. The Sobels have been nominated for their work on the Ellsworth property and Seth Churchill for the renovation of the Lakeville Fire House. Leslie Eckstein who is operating the fitness Center in the Firehouse will be invited to the reception as well.
Discussion of advisory board: the commission agrees that having professional, dedicated owners of Historic Properties in the Town act in an advisory capacity would be very beneficial. Candance Cuniberti has volunteered and Tom Callahan will ask the Newcombs and Elyse Harney will contact Kathryn Taylor.
Tom Callahan, chairman of the Committee, reported on the Pope Land Use committee. The first meeting is scheduled for March 28th. He did say there is strong feeling that the land should be used for affordable Housing. The meetings will be the last Weds. Of the month at 6:30 and are open to the public.
Carol Mason has not been able to get to the website or internet because of the power outage. Neither Tom Callahan or Elyse Harney have had access to the HDC email. Neither received email from Ward Belcher but he has been contacted.
Elyse Harney and Digby Brown have been in touch with the architects for Jeff Greenberg. They will be planning a guest house and are aware that it will require HD approval. They checked with Matt Keifer to be sure the area where they want to build is in the HD, which it is.
Elyse Harney reminded Carol Mason about the report from the HDC which is included in the town of Salisbury Annual report. She will check on when this report is due and keep track of the number of applications which have been processed by the commission.
There being no further business, T. Callahan made the motion to adjourn, D. Brown the 2nd and all in favor.
The next meeting with be Tuesday April 3rd, 2018 at the Salisbury town Hall at 8:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Elyse D. Harney