February 6, 2018
/February 6, 2018
Salisbury Historic District Commission Meeting – Salisbury Town Hall 8:30 am
Present: Carol Mason, Digby Brown, tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Minutes of Jan.9, 2018 were approved: T Callahan made motion, D Brown second all in favor.
Spoke with Curtis Rand about status of Fourth Amendment. He will try to get it properly listed on the Call to Town Meeting and feels it should be approved. The map will have to wait for this approval.
Nancy Bruzie explained there is no room on the computer generated Building application form to add whether property is in a Historic district. It is on the zoning application and Nancy has a list of Historic properties which she checks when any applications are submitted.
Carol Mason explained that new phone number 860-419-5180 allows a free Google message which will be sent to all commission members by email. Carol needs to be sure all commissioners have given permission for this service.
E Harney will contact the Sobels to ask if they will host the 2018 event - They will also be given the award for all the work they have done preserving their historic home. Either a June or Sept date at their convenience.
Curtis Rand has asked T.Callahan to Chair the Pope Land commission. Tom is considering seriously as it would be very good to have the HDC in such a visible position.
Discussion followed of the Lockup- building is not a Historic property.
Candace Cuniberti (former Chairman of Board) suggested the addition of an Advisory board which might propose ideas, support projects and serve as additional good-will ambassadors for the important purpose of historic preservation. D.Brown made a motion to establish an Advisory Board for those purposes. It would be open to anyone who is a Salisbury home owner but does not vote in the Town of Salisbury. T. Callahan gave the second and all in favor. Suggested persons: Candance Cuniberti, Deborah Newcomb and the sobels.
There being no further business, t.Callahan made motion to adjourn at 9:15, d. Brown second and all in favor. The next meeting with be Tuesday, March 6th at the Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am.
Respectfully submitted
Elyse D. Harney, Sec.