April 3, 2018

April 3, 2018

SHDC Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Present: Carol Mason, Digby Brown, Jane Fitting, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney

Minutes to previous meeting were approved: D. Brown made motion with C. Mason 2nd, all in favor.

Jane Fitting gave report on the research she had done regarding properties which are considered in the HD but which may not have been officially approved.    She also discussed differences in National Historic Registry.  She encouraged more investigation in old HD files.   

Matt Kiefer submitted his Bill for work so far in the amount of $5,815.000.   Jane Fitting made motion to approve this for payment; C Mason 2nd and all in favor.   

Matt K. also gave the results of his investigation in spread sheet format.    This shows two houses not Officially accepted: Case  4 Main St.  and Landowska 63 Millerton Rd. 

Carol will do letters and Elyse will try to get signatures for owner’s approval.   C Mason will ask Curtis Rand, First Selectman to schedule town Meeting for their approval as soon as possible. 

Carol brought up application for additional bench at the veteran’s Monument next to Town Hall.   The commission has no objection to changes requested.   T Callahan will put official notice in Lakeville Journal for next meeting in May    Digby Brown made motion to approve, C mason 2nd, all in favor. 

C Mason also asked for approval of final invitation for June event.:    DBrown approved, EHarney 2nd, all in favor.

Tom Callahan, as Chairman, reported on first meeting of advisory Committee on use of the Pope Land. 

Various Commissions were represented.  Matt Kiefer will conduct a walk of the land for the committee.

Each commission will make a presentation on their function in the community for the next meeting. 

T. Callahan is reaching out to possible local property owners for Advisory Board. 

C. Mason has solved problem for reception of emails.   Will check with members of commission to be sure they are receiving her emails. 

C Mason responded to a request from the Kellert’s to speak with them about the HDC.    The Kellert’s feel properties should be listed by address not by name.   C Mason had a pleasant discussion with them.

Commission members will inspect HDC files for future work. 

There being no further business, T. Callahan made motion to adjourn, D Brown 2nd all in favor. 

The next meeting will be Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 8:30 am at the Salisbury town hal. 

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse D. Harney
