January 9, 2018
/January 9, 2018
Salisbury Historic district commission Meeting – Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am
Present: Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Carol Mason, Elyse Harney
Minutes of Dec. 5 2017 Meeting were approved: T. Callahan made motion, D Brown 2nd – all in favor.
C. Mason will check with town clerk to be sure she has a copy of these minutes.
Carol Mason was commended for the Christmas card sent out for the commission which made mention that we would entertain new membership in the commission. So far no interested parties.
Carol also presented two bills: $88. Annual postal charge and $349.50 for Christmas mailing. T Callahan motion to approve, D Brown 2nd, all in favor. Carol will pass this on to town Treasurer for payment.
Curtis Rand was not available to give an update on the Proposed fourth amendment. We will wait for that update to proceed further on maps.
Carol Mason was appointed to the SHDC as a commissioner. Subsequently, T. Callahan made the motion to appoint her as Chairman, E. Harney second, all in favor.
Nancy Brusie had agreed to add HD designation to building permit applications. Digby Brown will confirm that this will be done. Digby will also invite the new Building Inspector to our next meeting to welcome him to the Town and discuss the role of the HDC and how it is important to work with his department. Building permits should have a box indicating they have HD approval before permit is accepted.
T. Callahan will serve on the Pope Land Use committee representing the HDC. Curtis Rand has been notified of this.
E. Harney will check with Salisbury bank on our Savings Account. We wish to have this remain active.
Consider Seth Churchill for award in the spring for the two buildings in Lakeville which he has preserved and improved. Also, Digby will ask if he might be interested in joining the commission.
As there was no further business, T Callahn made motion to adjourn at 9:15; C Mason second, all in favor.
The next meeting of the SHDC will be Feb. 6th at 8:30 am at the Town Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Elyse Harney, Sec.