May 2, 2017
/Salisbury Town Hall
Salisbury Historic district commission Meeting 8:30 am
Present: Candy Cuniberti by telephone conference, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Jane Burgess, Elyse Harney, Carol Mason
Chris Brennan presented an Application for certificate of appropriateness by Howard Sobel, for 75 Main Street, Salisbury.
The application is for the addition of a 19th corn crib to the property which will be located in front of the tennis court.
It will be natural wood on granite peers: 13/19ft and 12 ft high. Notice has been put in the Lakeville Journal for two weeks announcing the Public Hearing at the June meeting of the SHDC
Minutes from previous meeting were approved with motion from T. Callahan, second J. Burgess all in favor.
July 22nd will be the date for the SHDC yearly event at the home of Kathryn Taylor. This is a Saturday from 5 to 7 pm. C. Cuniberti will confirm with Kathryn Taylor.
Discussion of application form for certificate of appropriateness. For “Action Taken” the word approved will be used and copy of application with approval and signature will be returned to applicant. D. Brown will check with M. Fitting, Salisbury Bldg. Inspector to clarify role of HDC. If there are changes to original application, owner should reapply. Owner will then deal directly with Bldg. Inspector.
The following corrections were made to names of Historic Properties to be used in Final Map.
The John Fitch house is the 1767 Manor house at 433 Salmon Kill Rd.
49-27-1 Ethan Allen is the Railroad Station bldg. which was the former location of the VNA
175 Main St. is not in HD
Carol Mason and Digby Brown will double check one more time to be sure we have all houses in HD.
Jane Burgess made motion to adjourn, T.Callahan second, all in favor9:30 am.
Next Meeting June 6, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Elyse Harney sec