April 4, 2017
/Salisbury Town Hall
Salisbury Historic District Commission Meeting
Present: Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney, neighbor from Old CNE Rd. Fred Testhe
Public Hearing for a Certificate of Appropriateness for property located at 77 Indian Mtn Rd., Lakeville, The Fitch-Demarest House dated 1716 by Keith Venkiteswaran and Jason Pulia
The owners of the property went through their very detailed application to explain all aspects of both the addition and the changes to the garage. Their application gave full pictures of the existing property and the proposed changes along with materials to be used. Candy C. and Elyse H. both complimented owners on the detail of the application which could serve as an example to others. Digby Brown had stayed in touch with owners during the period preceding the Public Hearing so that the Information provided was complete. T.Callahan recognized the attention given by D.Brown
T.Callahan made motion to approve and C Cuniberti offered the second. All in favor. Applicants were provided a signed approval to their application.
Carol Mason gave report on her work for the Website. Kate Capecelatro has been very helpful during the 6 hrs she has worked. Carol will proceed doing as much as she can herself and using Kate only as needed. Carol submitted her bills so far. $75. PO Box renewal; $108.38 Kwik Print, printing of updated HD brochures. T.Callahan made motion to approve and CCuniberti offered second. All in favor.
T. Callahan will check for any sales of Historic homes and will send brochures with note welcoming new owner to Historic district. Brochures kept at office of EHRE.
E. Harney gave an update on progress with Matt Kiefer for map of Historic districts. Matt will provide a proof for Commission approval.
Discussion of Pope Property which is due to close this week. Curtis Rand has given assurance that HDC will be represented on committee to decide on use of the Pope property.
Kathryn Taylor has suggested July 22nd or 23rd for the spring Recognition Party at her home. Commission Decided on Sunday, July 23rd from 5 to 7 pm.
Next Meeting May 2nd at 8:30 am at town Hall
Respectfully submitted
Elyse Harney Sec.