June 6, 2017
/June 6, 2017
Salisbury Town Hall ---Salisbury Historic District Commission Meeting 8:30 am
Present: Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney, Carol Mason
Tom Carberry was present to discuss the application for Certificate of Appropriateness requested for 50 Main St. by the Newcomb family. The change from three dormers to a shed roof on the driveway side Matches an existing shed roof of the kitchen wing and seemed to be very appropriate. There were no negative comments. Tom Callahan will post the required notice in the Lakeville Journal for a special meeting, June 20th at 8:30 at the town Hall. Elyse Harney will be out of the country but expressed a favorable vote in absentia.
Chris Brennan was present for the Public Hearing on an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness by Howard Sobel for 75 Main St. He requested approval for the addition of a 19th C corn crib to the property. E. Harney moved to approve the application with T. Callahan as Second. All in favor. The application was approved and signed by Sec. and copy given to Chris Brennan.
A discussion of the upcoming HD Map being prepared by Matt Kiefer. E.Harney will give verbal approval for the list of properties as corrected at the May Meeting. She will request a final draft of the map by June 15th so that copies may be prepared for property owners to receive at the July 22nd event.
Two Full size maps will be given to Assessor’s Office and first Selectman for display in the Town Hall.
In discussing Geoff Rosano’s catalogue of architecturally significant structures in Salisbury, It was the decision of the commission that they should be the responsibility of the Salisbury Association. The HDC Is entrusted with maintaining and enforcing the regulations of the Historic Districts. The Salisbury Assoc. could appropriately recommend properties to be included in the National Historic Registry.
Candy Cuniberti requested we retire to Executive Session.Executive Session was concluded at 9:20 and the motion was made to adjourn by T Callahn; Second E Harney; all in favor.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, Jull 11th, 8:30 at Salisbury town Hall.
Respectfully submitted
Elyse d. Harney Sec.