March 7, 2017
/Salisbury Historic district commission Meeting 8:30 am
Salisbury Town Hall
Present: Digby Brown, Jane fitting, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
The application for 77 Indian Mtn Rd. submitted by Keith Venkiteswaran and Jason Puiia was discussed.
In general, the Commission was extremely appreciative to receive such a detailed and complete application. The existing garage will be renovated and the Commission had the following questions:
Why owner decided to switch to shingle instead of shiplap to match house?
Why add the decorative peak which seems too ornate?
Need rendering of the south elevation.
A new roof for the house should be a darker color which would have been more original.
There may be more questions at the Public Hearing but the Commission should be prepared to vote at the April 4th meeting.
Minutes from Jan. meeting were approved. The Feb. Meeting was cancelled.
Discussion of HD Map being prepared by Matt Kiefer:
Jane Fitting reviewed the minutes of Meetings at which the Districts were voted on. This had been assembled by Elyse Harney and Jane was asked to review and double check. Tom Callahan made a motion to use a list of properties in the Salisbury Historic district prepared by Hugh McMillan 3rd
June 13, 1988. Jane Burgess 2nd, all in favor. Digby Brown and Elyse Harney will meet with Matt Kiefer to give the final go ahead on preparing maps.
Digby Brown expressed concern about how the Pope land which is in a Historic district will be developed. The First Selectman and the Zoning Board are aware that this is a Historic District and the First Selectman has assured members that the commission will be represented on any Board designated to discuss development of the Pope land.
July HDC Part at Taylor residence in July:
The residents on Factory St should be invited since this area has been approved by the State as a HD and the Town just needs to vote on it. Tom Callahan suggested that each Commission member invite two prospects: Home owners of properties which should be in a HD. For instance, the people across from Hollywood.
E.Harney suggested a welcome note including a brochure be sent to new property owners. T. Callahan has offered to check the monthly new sales and give E Harney names of any new owners in HD. El Harney will send out note and brochure to welcome them.
There being no further business to discuss, T Callahan made motion to adjourn, Digby Brown second, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:15
Respectfully submitted
Elyse D. Harney