Salisbury Historic District Commission

May 10, 2016

Historic District Commission
Town of Salisbury

Present: Candy Cuniberti, Jane Fitting, Tom Callahan, Carol Mason, Elyse Harney

Chris Brennan was present for the Public Hearing on her application for Certificate of Appropriateness for renovation of the Lakeville Fire House from a Town Building to a commercial building. The plans submitted were acceptable to the commission. Jane B Fitting made a motion to issue the Certificate, Tom Callahan second and all in favor. The certificate was signed and given to Chris Brennan at the meeting.

Chris also submitted an application for Certificate of appropriateness for the Parking Plan for the Fire House. The Public Hearing was scheduled for the next meeting, June 9th, 2016 .

Chris offered to prepare a display of Historic Houses and Fences as a resource for the Commission.

The date of the next meeting was changed to June 9th because of Town Vote on June 7th. The public notice of scheduled Public Hearing will be published accordingly.

There was then a Discussion of the HDC Reception on June 11th at the home of Freya and Richard Block.

Arthur Taylor will be honored at that time for his contributions to the HDC.

There being no further business, Tom Callahan made a motion to adjourn at 9:20; Jane B Fitting second and all in favor.

The next meeting will be June 9, 2016 at 8:30 at the Salisbury Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse D. Harney,Secretary