Salisbury Historic District Commission
/June 09. 2016
Historic District Commission
Town of Salisbury
Present: Digby Brown, Jane B. Fitting, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Public Hearing an application for certificate of Appropriateness for the Parking Plan for the Fire House. No members of the public were present and Chris Brennan was not present representing the owners of the Fire House.
Chris B. did not have the plan for Parking with her when she submitted the Application at the May 10th meeting. It was delivered and left at the Town Clerk’s office in preparation for the Public Hearing so the Commission had not had a chance to consider the Parking Plan. Since the property is in the Historic District, normal procedure would have been to get the approval of the HDC prior to Planning and Zoning considering and approving this plan.
Questions were raised about the advisability of parking along the narrow lane as well as cutting into the Park property for additional parking. Since Chris Brennan was not present to offer any explanation, Tom Callahan made a motion to table the Application at this time. Jane B Fitting gave the second and all were in favor.
Michael Swanson attended the meeting with questions regarding who was making decisions on the use of the old Train Station. He had approached the First Selectman two years ago and again several weeks ago with a plan for an old fashioned ice cream parlor which his son would like to operate. Digby Brown said the Salisbury Assoc. has been working on a plan for use but that nothing had been decided as far as he knew. Elyse Harney suggested Mr. Swanson put his request in a letter to the First Selectman with a copy to the Salisbury Assoc. Mr. Swanson was agreeable and will do this. The use of the Historic Building would not come under the jurisdiction of the HDC.
Minutes of the May 10, 2106 SHDC Meeting were approved with the following addition: It should be noted that Chris Brennan did not have plans for Fire House Parking with her and so the Commission was not able to consider at the May 10th meeting.
Bakes land: it was noted that stakes had been put up designating the view easement but otherwise there was no other contact.
June 11th Reception: Kathryn Taylor will attend to receive the plaque honoring her husband, Arthur Taylor. She was receptive to the suggestion of planting a tree in Washinee Park to honor Arthur Taylor’s contribution to re-establishing that Park area.
Chris Brennan presented the invoice for the Display Board of Historic Houses and Fences which she had paid for in the amount of $73.13. This will be given to Town for reimbursement to Chris. Digby Brown took Display Boards to HDC office in Town Hall for storage and future use.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 5th, 2016 8:30 at Salisbury Town Hall. No meeting in August.
Respectfully submitted
Elyse Harney Sec.