Salisbury Historic District Commission
/April 4, 2016
Historic District commission
Town of Salisbury
Present: Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Elyse Harney
Chris Brennan was present to present an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness
For 9 Sharon Rd, Lakeville. This is the renovation of the Lakeville Fire House from a Town Building to a commercial building with restaurant and two retail areas.
The Public Hearing will be scheduled for the next meeting, May 3, 2016 – Tom Callahan will post notice in the Lakeville Journal. The architect, Mike Goman of Goman and York, has helped with Firehouse and and conversion of Train Station into Welcome Center. He is being retained by the Council of Governments to help with economic development.
Chris stayed for the discussion of an Application by Jason Emberlin dated March 28, 2016 on behalf of Lew Bakes for a gate at the driveway entrance to Dean Meadow. The Board did not consider the gate pictured with the application to be appropriate. The fence was installed without the approval of the Commission – it is a board fence painted white on uneven terrain.
Chris was very helpful in discussing the two fences which have been a problem: the split rail fence by the Shillingfords and the board fence for Dean Meadow. She felt it would be possible to make them more appropriate for a historic property with some minor changes and she offered to send some suggestions for the immediate problem of Dean Meadow. She will also give an estimate for a laminated board with permanent suggestions for both fences and signs. These could be used as suggestions for property owners who are contemplating these additions to an historic property and could be posted on our new website. The Salisbury Association is also working with the owner of Dean Meadow regarding the view easement. It would seem beneficial for both the Salisbury Association and the Historic District Commission to work jointly where there is a shared interest. Digby Brown, also a member of the Salisbury Association, will pursue this. Perhaps the issue of a Delay of Demolition in the zoning regulations could be discussed.
Elyse Harney will send a letter to Jason recommending consideration of suggestions from Chris Brennan of gates and fences more appropriate.
Regular Meeting: Minutes of previous meeting were approved: Candy Cuniberti made motion to approve; Digby Brown, second all in favor.
Leon McLain will be contacted to stay on commission as alternate. David Eldridge has also offered to help in an Advisory role.
Digby Brown made motion to adjourn at 9:44 am; Candy Cuniberti second and all in favor.
The next meeting will be Tuesday May 3, 2016 at 8:30 at the Salisbury Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted.