Salisbury Historic District Commission 3-2016
/Town of Salisbury
Present, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Public Hearing:
Sobel 75, Main St. Placement of 19th C Cupola in upper field and 19th C Barn with fencing as pool house. Applications dated 2/2/2016.
Digby Brown, Tom Callahan and Elyse Harney walked the property with Chris Brennan to observe the requested placement of the Cupola and the 19C barn and proposed fencing for pool house.
Since there was no public attendance and no further questions from the Commission, Tom Callahan made a Motion to approve the Application. Digby Brown gave the second and the vote was unanimous for both Applications. Chris Brennan was provided copies of the approved applications.
Tomlinson 414- Salmon Kill Rd remove old garage – build new garage with living space above. Application dated 2/2/2016
Digby Brown, Tom Callahan and Elyse Harney had all visited the property and are familiar with the proposed location of the new garage and the design proposed by Jim Belter.
Since there was no public attendance and no further questions from the commission, Digby Brown made a Motion to approve the application. Tom Callahan gave the second and the vote was unanimous. Tom Callahan emailed Jim Belter a copy of the approved application.
Tom Callahan reported having had calls regarding the small house on wheels being constructed at # 1 Main St. Since according to the Assessor’s card, this is not in the Historic district, he brought it to the attention of the Zoning Admin. Nancy Bruzie.
Elyse Harney raised the issue of a current map of the Historic Districts for Lakeville, Salisbury and Lime Rock. There may be something in the old files or in those of Lou Burgess.
Elyse also brought up the Spring reception and some recognition of Arthur Taylor. The Plaque being proposed for Park area in back of the Town Hall should certainly give recognition to Arthur Taylor and the work he did to encourage that project.
Since there was no further business, Tom Callahan made the motion to adjourn, Digby Brown second, all in favor. The next meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:30 am Salisbury Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Elyse Harney, Sec.