Salisbury Historic District Commission
/July 5, 2016
Historic District Commission
Town of Salisbury
Present: Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Chris Brennan presented Parking Plans for the Fire House in Lakeville. These plans were previously approved by the Planning & Zoning commission without any reference to the Historic District Commission. This was a contingency of the sale.
The Commission offered two possibilities to remedy this situation since the Commission should have been involved. We will ask for a meeting with the P & Z to discuss: are there any further variances which could be granted to preserve the green space and the approach to the Village; If forced to put in the expanded parking, is that open to the Public and would that be grandfathered for parking at Pocket Knife Square.
Chris was thanked for her explanations but no vote was taken.
Minutes were approved by T. Callahan with a second by Candy C. with all in favor.
Carol Mason’s bill for the June 11 event in the amount of $1,180.40 was presented and approved for payment by T. Callahan, E Harney as second and all in favor.
Discussion of June 11th Event:
C. Cuniberti will write thanking the Blocks for hosting the party and to Ed Kirby for making the event so informative. The majority of guests were people invited by the Blocks. We would like to encourage better attendance by owners of Historic homes. The Sobel home was suggested as a possible site for next year and Chris Brennan could then discuss the restoration of that Historic Home.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:40 am.
No meeting is scheduled for August. The next meeting will be Sept 6th, 8:30 am
Salisbury Town Hall
Respectfully submitted
Elyse D. Harney Sec.