December 5, 2017
/Salisbury Historic District Commission Meeting: Salisbury Town Hall 8:30 am Present, Digby Brown, Jane B. Fitting, Elyse Harney and Carol Mason
Minutes of Oct.3, 2017 Meeting were approved: J Burgess made motion and D Brown second all in favor.
The November meeting was cancelled.
A discussion on the completion of the Map of Historic properties followed. Since the Fourth Amendment to the HDC had not been officially approved at a Town Meeting, properties that have the H designation on their Assessor's cards and are listed in CT Historic Properties have a technical flaw in their designation. Curtis Rand, First Selectman, has taken a copy of all Town Minutes relating to HDC and will consult with the town attorney. If necessary this can be brought up at the next town Meeting the week of Dec 18th. If brought to a favorable vote at that meeting, we can proceed with the map.
Carol Mason will copy the file for the Landon House at Hotchkiss so that a copy may be presented to John Tuke.
Also, Carol will send out a Seasons Greeting Card to all HD property owners and will encourage anyone interested in the work of the Commission to be in touch.
E Harney will send email to Curtis Rand requesting that Carol Mason be appointed a member of the HDC. He will bring this up for approval at next Selectman's meeting.
Discussion of increasing awareness of HD designation for Building and Zoning applications. EH will send email to both new Bldg Inspector and N Brusie for Zoning requesting they add a line to their applications as follows: 11 Is this property in the Historic District? If Yes, than the approval is needed to proceed."
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45. D Brown made motion to adjourn, J Burgess second, all in favor.
Next Meeting: Jan. 10 2018 at Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am. Respectfully submitted Elyse D. Harney, Sec.