October 3, 2017

Salisbury  Historic  district Commission  Meeting: Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am

Present : Tom Callahan, Digby Brown, Jane b. Fitting, Elyse Harney and Carol Mason

Tom Callahan moved to accept minutes of previous meeting: D.Brown Second, all in favor .
Re: Application for solar Panels on Main House and rear Office 50 Main St. Salisbury

Members of the commission : D Brown, T. Callahan and E. Harney met with contractor, Tom Carberry and solar contractor, John McLennan, Jr. at the Newcomb property to discuss the installation of solar panels  on 9/18/17  at 8 am.

After John explained the placement of the solar panels on the main house it was determined that it was not acceptable to have the panels visible from the road. The recommendation was made to install the panels on the back of the house where they would not be visible from the road.   Mr. Mclellan was going to propose a modification to the owners and present a new application for the main house

If the owners wish to proceed on the application for panels on the office building, a public meeting will be scheduled to finalize that applicat ion.

Elyse Harney will send a letter to the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Newcomb, to that affect.

Update on Historic Maps:   Carol Mason has been speaking to  Matt Kiefer about the questionable  Proposed Fourth Amendment  to  the Historic District.   E. Harney will question First Selectman regarding advice  from  the  Attorney  for  the  town.   Properties  listed  in  the  Fourth  amendment  are  listed  by the State of  CT as Historic.   Matt  will provide  a packet from the Minutes  of the town.

T.Callahan made a motion to adjourn; D Brown second. Meeting was adjourned at 9 am. The next scheduled meeting will be Nov. 7, 8: 30 am at Salisbury town Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse D. Harney, Sec.