August 31, 2017
/Salisbury town Hall – Salisbury Historic district Commission – Public Hearing 8:30 am
Present: Digby Brown, Tom Callahan and Elyse Harney. Also John Tuke and John Bryant from The Hotchkiss School.
Tom Callahan read the Call for Meeting as published in the Waterbury Republicanon August 25, 2017 for a Public Hearing.
Subject: An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness filed by the Hotchkiss School for work to be done on The Landon House as proposed:
Insulate, Re-side and trim envelope of the Landon House, 16 Lime rock Rd, Lakevillle.
No members of the public were present.
The commission reviewed the work to be done. Members had visited the site to review this proposed work and were satisfied the Historic features of the building will be replaced with like kind.
Tom Callahan made the motion to approve and Digby Brown, the second. All in favor.
Two copies of the approved application were given to John Bryant.
The regular meeting of the HDC will be Tuesday Sept. 5th, at 8:30 at the Salisbury Town Hall
Respectfully submitted
Elyse Harney Sec.