Salisbury Historic District Commission
/Sept 6, 2016
Historic District Commission
Town of Salisbury
Present: Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Jane B. Fitting briefly to deliver HD Map
Janet Kaufman in place of Tom Zetterstrom was given the floor to make the presentation regarding a possible planting of a tree in Washinee Park to honor Arthur Taylor. Janet had a large map showing the existing plantings in the Park and an inventory of existing trees as well as a suggested list of a possible addition.
Janet explained that Matt Kiefer is now the tree warden for the Town and Kay Key is a member of both the Tree committee and the Parks Commission. Their advice as well as the advice of George Kiefer would be helpful in selecting the right tree for the right location and planting, mulching and maintaining properly. Watering for a three year period is recommended and because of the current drought, this Fall would not be a good season for planting.
Janet also explained that it has been a long project to restore the Park to its present condition and that it will require continued maintenance by a knowledgeable staff person. Routine mowing by the Town may not be sufficient.
Candy made the suggestion that it might be good for the HDC to interact with the Parks Commission on those Parks which are in the Historic District. Janet was thanked for her excellent explanation of a complicated situation.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved: Tom Callahan made motion with second by Digby Brown – approval unanimous.
Kathryn Taylor’s suggestion for our Annual Recognition event in July at her home was graciously accepted. We will look to Kathryn for a date convenient for her. The hope is to attract more property owners to the event.
Review of August 3rd Application for certificate of appropriateness by Scoville Library for replacement of front walk with a like kind stone walk similar to that at rear of building. Application had been granted with verbal review and was confirmed with motion by Digby Brown, Second by Tom Callahan and unanimous vote. Work is in progress.
New Business: need for map of the Historic district. Jane Burgess brought a Mylar of a 1977 map which may be helpful. Elyse Harney and Digby Brown will meet with Matt Kiefer on Sept. 7th to discuss process.
Two local issues have highlighted the need for such a map: Zoning approval for parking at the Fire House in Lakeville without consultation with Historic District and Town Meeting to approve purchase of Pope land without mention that part of the Stiles field is in the Historic District. Letters to both the Zoning commission and to the First
Selectman will clarify the need for the inclusion of the Historic District Commission when properties within the District are involved.
Next Meeting: Oct 4, 2016
Respectfully submitted,
Elyse D. Harney Sec.