Salisbury Historic District Commission 12-2016
/Present: Candy Cuniberti, Jane B. Fitting, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney
Curtis Rand presented plans from the Lakeville Conservancy for parks in Lakeville at the Junctions of Rte 41 and 44 and at the entrance to Lakeville Lake. Since there appear to be permanent walks etc involved this will require an application for Certificate of Appropriateness from the HDC . Candace will send a letter to Susan Galuzzo including an application form.
Minutes were approved unanimously with a motion from Jane Fitting and Digby Brown.
Candy C. explained the option of a move to a responsive website instead of the printed book planned for Homes in the Historic District. Properties could be presented on the website and could be easily updated.
The Intent would be to have a functional website which would encourage comments from the public on the Historic houses which are familiar.
Carol Mason, Webmaster for the HDC, gave a Website Proposal which would include a change to Squarespace as the Hosting Website. She would establish a page per property including image, identification and descriptions. Maintenance fee in 2016 would be included. The cost of $5,575.00 could be spread out over two years. Digby Brown will request Town approval. The site could include links to HVA, Jane McMillan, Town Historian and other links which would be informative and current.
Elyse Harney made the motion to approve this Proposal, Tom Callahan second and all in favor.
There has been no response from Lew Bakes regarding fencing etc. on Dean’s Field.
Tom Callahan brought up the trailer being built by Mary O’Brien on Main St. Michael Fitting, the Building Inspector for the Town is addressing the problem since trailers are not allowed in the Town of Salisbury.
Tom Callahan made the motion to adjourn at 9:30, Jane Fitting second all in favor.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2016. 8:30 Salisbury Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted
Elyse D. Harney, Sec.